Solid, Entertaining Education Created By a Water Worker for Water Workers


All courses available on this site are approved for continuing education credit in California.  Other states will be coming.  

The Best Classes:
These aren’t just boring, power-point presentations assembled by some engineer or course creator who has never worked in our industry or who has never actually done our jobs.  I’ve been in the water industry for over 17 years and have done everything from distribution system repair and maintenance, to responding to emergencies and dealing with customer concerns, to actually operating one of the largest water distribution systems in the country, to running treatment plants large and small.  With that I can bring a variety of real life experiences into the classroom.  I also put you first when creating my classes.  I’ve taken power-point style continuing education classes online, and frankly they always put me to sleep.  I think my style of adding audio and video is much more entertaining and fosters a better learning environment.

Great Rates:
In business, the “experts” always say, “Be the best or be the cheapest, but never be both.”
I don’t agree with that.  The goal with my courses is to be both… to bring you the best possible training at the best possible rates.

The Most Convenient Way to Learn:
In addition to providing you with the best classes, I’m also trying to make it the most convenient.  Why get in your car and travel miles away to sit in a classroom, when you can stroll into your study and learn from the comfort of your own home, or while you have down time at work.  Also, these classes do not have to be completed all at once.  Your progress is tracked through your course. So, if you have to stop for some reason and come back later, no problem.  You can just pick up where you left off.


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